Chiemgau Challenge


Chiemgau, Bavaria – the place where business suits met hiking boots, as we sat down with the team at Chiemgau to talk about our upcoming project, a bespoke Ski Challenge tournament (this will be one not to be missed!). Our recent escapade to this hidden gem was like discovering a secret level in a video game – unexpected, thrilling, and sprinkled with (Bavarian) magic. After the serious stuff, we stayed for the weekend – because why not? And the region whispered, “Stay awhile, adventurer.

So where is Chiemgau?

It’s like Munich and Salzburg had a love child – that’s Chiemgau. For us it was a train ride from Vienna (with a pit stop in Salzburg) that landed us in this wonderland nestled among the alps. Actually, the Chiemgau Alps extend further than Germany with parts of the mountain range spilling over into Austria.

Adrenaline seekers, Assemble!

Paragliding? Check. Gliding? Double-check. Ballooning? Triple-check (because why not?). Chiemgau caters to thrill-seekers like a Michelin-starred chef caters to foodies. Hiking trails for all levels – from “I’m a mountain goat” to “I’m a couch potato.” And golf? Swing those clubs against an alpine backdrop – it’s serene, it’s picturesque, it’s Insta-worthy.

Winter Wonderland

Sure, we visited during the warm season, but you all know how passionate we are about winter sports, and Chiemgau’s winter scene is impressive. If skiing isn’t your thing, they even offer an alternative: winter hiking—an ideal way to cherish nature and the scenery while enjoying the snowy backdrop.

Foodie Alert

Hold onto your lederhosen – it’s food time! Chiemgau is renowned for its locally caught whitefish, expertly prepared in dishes like the classic fish roll or ‘Müllerin Art’. We couldn’t resist trying the upscale delicacy ‘Bourgois’, freshly from Chiemsee, and it exceeded all expectations. Food lovers, this is the place you definitely want to visit on your next holiday for amazing cuisine and unforgettable dining experiences.

Easy Peasy Access

Munich and Salzburg are Chiemgau’s BFFs. A short drive or a train ride and boom! You’re in adventure central. Due to the easy access and great travel time it’s the perfect location for day trips or week-long quests.

So there you have it, fellow wanderers. Chiemgau – where legends collide, mountains high-five, and pretzels taste like dreams. Pack your bags, grab your sense of wonder, and let’s write our own fairytale.